
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Best Chew Toys for Your Puppy

Photo by  Allie Smith  on  Unsplash Does your puppy chew up your sneakers or socks yet? Are you confused with what type of toys to get to replace your sneakers? Are you not sure if the toys are safe for them or not?  Well you're not alone, many new puppy owners have similar concerns as you. Keep in mind that your puppy explores their world by using their mouth. Therefore, biting and chewing on things are normal because that's how they explore. Since they're still a puppy, chewing on things is part of their "teething" puppy phase. As a pet owner, you shouldn't ignore this phase. It is important to get your puppy the appropriate chewy toys to control their "teething" behaviors.  Stick around in this blog and you'll find a list of toys that are puppies friendly and safe for them to chew.  As a new pet owner, always review the toy manufacturer's instructions to make sure you get the appropriate toys based on your puppy's age and size. 

How to Keep Your Puppy Occupied

Did you just get a new puppy? Have you notice how much energy your puppy has? Puppies can be very active during the day and definitely will keep you busy. A hyper puppy can be a handful and you certainly do not want to ignore your puppy; otherwise they will start biting on things. Here are some behaviors you wants to avoid: Chewing excessively on things such as furnitures, shoes, cable, carpet, etc Digging Barking  You want your puppy to channel their hyper energy from doing bad behaviors into doing something more fun . Below are some ideas to keep your puppy busy indoors and outdoors. 1.  Play Fetch Photo by  Stainless Images  on  Unsplash Playing fetch is one of the best ways to keep your puppy busy. At the same time, you can also play a game of tug of war with the toys. Playing a tug of war game with your puppy is a great way to exercise them  and certainly will makes them tired. Here are a few toys suggestions. Cheerble Wicked Ball for Dogs T